The Blog / Visual Search

Two cases of Interface fail: Hotmail font meltdown and Gmail vs the Gestaltists.

Ok, let’s look at a real life example of total GUI design fail.  Or perhaps, not a total fail, but just bad design that manages to get by because it’s not catastrophic and therefore doesn’t get fixed but instead slows everybody down just a little – which is arguably worse. I use a Hotmail email […]

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Squar-ish, blue-ish icons. And an experiment for you!

I mentioned in a post below the overwhelming dominance of blue-ish, squar-ish icons.  It would seem that designers seem to naturally gravitate towards this particular shape/colour combination like some kind of moth to a halogen flood-light.  Allow me to demonstrate.  Below is a screenshot of one of my monitors the other day. Now, whilst the […]

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Vexillology and icon design

  Vexillology – the study of flags.  Yeah I can’t pronounce that word and neither can Roman Mars – the host of this cool little podcast called ‘99% Invisible’ that I stumbled across recently.  The podcast talks about things like flag design, maps and various other interesting little nooks and corners of the design space.  […]

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