The Blog / Narrative

Pareidolia: The face on Mars and building narrative

Seeing patterns where there aren’t any.  This is something we do all the time and is referred to as Pareidolia.  And when I say all the time – I mean ALL the time.  As in – the primary function of that lump of grey matter between our ears is to extract patterns from noise.  Our […]

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The Narrative Mind – Persuasion by telling tales

So I attended a campaign training session for The Greens recently – and we spent quite a bit of time talking about narrative theory and some interesting psych related aspects of campaigning.  Fascinating.  This book: ‘The Political Brain’ by Drew Westen was heavily referenced, and apparently is responsible for a major thrust of the Obama […]

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Building narrative through tech

So I’ve been thinking more and more about approaches to large scale campaigns to motivate and drive people.  How to create engagement.  And have been doing some reading.   Rather than go into great detail here though (Summer is just providing too many disctractions right now – plus job hunting) I thought I would post some […]

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