The Blog / interaction

Massive Interactive – a new story begins…

So a new development – I’ve taken a 4 month contract at Massive Interactive.  This was an opportunity too good to pass up.   So I’m afraid I will not be doing very much work through here for the next few months.   On the other hand – if it’s either a project with a long leadtime, […]

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Book review: Clifford Nass – The man who lied to his Laptop.

Ah, this post is tinged with both pleasure and sadness.  I had originally intended this to be a book review of Clifford Nass’s ‘The Man who lied to his Laptop’.  I am a huge fan of this book.  It has done more to change the way I think about how we develop and interact with […]

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Pareidolia: The face on Mars and building narrative

Seeing patterns where there aren’t any.  This is something we do all the time and is referred to as Pareidolia.  And when I say all the time – I mean ALL the time.  As in – the primary function of that lump of grey matter between our ears is to extract patterns from noise.  Our […]

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Console interface design and… does that thing fly the Enterprise?

So, in answer to your question: yes that is a real thing.  I helped design it.    It’s manufactured here in Australia and called the ‘Smart Console’.  No it does not fly the Enterprise – although we used to joke about how it felt like you were ‘flying through your mix’.  Below is a little […]

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