The Blog / Empiricism

Chomsky vs Žižek. Empiricism vs Philosophy/Theorists. Get the popcorn.

Oh this is just superb.  I am totally chuffed today because (thanks to Katie Hepworth) I have stumbled across a rich vein of both name-calling and insight in the great debate about the value of empiricism vs ‘theory’ or philosophy.  And, gloriously, taken up by two giants of their respective fields:  Noam Chomsky and Slavoj […]

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Squar-ish, blue-ish icons. And an experiment for you!

I mentioned in a post below the overwhelming dominance of blue-ish, squar-ish icons.  It would seem that designers seem to naturally gravitate towards this particular shape/colour combination like some kind of moth to a halogen flood-light.  Allow me to demonstrate.  Below is a screenshot of one of my monitors the other day. Now, whilst the […]

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