The Blog / book review

Book review: Clifford Nass – The man who lied to his Laptop.

Ah, this post is tinged with both pleasure and sadness.  I had originally intended this to be a book review of Clifford Nass’s ‘The Man who lied to his Laptop’.  I am a huge fan of this book.  It has done more to change the way I think about how we develop and interact with […]

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A critique of Galloway’s Protocol: ‘Interrogating the Algorithm pt II’

So, the following will not be for everyone.  It is in fact, at times, a bit shouty.  But some of this really got my goat.  The idea that technology is not value-neutral and that it manifests cultural assumptions and reflects and sometimes enforces existing power structures is an important one.  In light of our increasingly […]

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