The Blog

Got a paper published in INTERACT 2013

Great news!  I’m being published! Last Summer I spent three months doing some research with NICTA (the federal centre for research excellence in IT) – truly amazing place.  I was working with the Machine-learning group – who are using particular computational techniques to make what amount to informed decisions out of messy real-world data.  It’s […]

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Psychology for Activists: e-book available now!!

So I have succumbed to the self-publishing bug.  And it’s been quite interesting exploring the Amazon/Kindle ecosystem and learning about how this domain works.  And also wildly annoying in terms of how the two giants: Apple (iPads etc…) and Amazon (Kindle) are battling it out for supremacy in the e-book stakes with each promoting more […]

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Squar-ish, blue-ish icons. And an experiment for you!

I mentioned in a post below the overwhelming dominance of blue-ish, squar-ish icons.  It would seem that designers seem to naturally gravitate towards this particular shape/colour combination like some kind of moth to a halogen flood-light.  Allow me to demonstrate.  Below is a screenshot of one of my monitors the other day. Now, whilst the […]

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A lecture I recently delivered: Hip Hop and Indigeneity

So, this is a little off-topic for people purely interested in Interaction Design, but I’m posting this here anyway.  I just gave my first lecture of the Audio Culture subject I’m helping deliver at UTS namely: ‘HipHop and Indigeneity’.  In total I’ll be doing two other lectures on ‘Dubstep’ and ‘Improvisation’.  It’s been fascinating process […]

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The Narrative Mind – Persuasion by telling tales

So I attended a campaign training session for The Greens recently – and we spent quite a bit of time talking about narrative theory and some interesting psych related aspects of campaigning.  Fascinating.  This book: ‘The Political Brain’ by Drew Westen was heavily referenced, and apparently is responsible for a major thrust of the Obama […]

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Building narrative through tech

So I’ve been thinking more and more about approaches to large scale campaigns to motivate and drive people.  How to create engagement.  And have been doing some reading.   Rather than go into great detail here though (Summer is just providing too many disctractions right now – plus job hunting) I thought I would post some […]

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Augmented Reality Magic.

No really.  A Magic show.  Cute. [ted id=1602 width=560 height=315]

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Augmented Reality from a little Sydney start-up. Got some spare cash lying around?

So this is really cool.  There’s a little company operating out of a warehouse in Chippendale (believe it or not – the old Wedding Circle building – scene of some pretty great parties in the past) I’ve been following for a while now – they’re called ‘Explore Engage’ and are developing what looks like some […]

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Vexillology and icon design

  Vexillology – the study of flags.  Yeah I can’t pronounce that word and neither can Roman Mars – the host of this cool little podcast called ‘99% Invisible’ that I stumbled across recently.  The podcast talks about things like flag design, maps and various other interesting little nooks and corners of the design space.  […]

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Hacking the human brain.

Well, yes.  We’ve known for a while now that we can read and recognise neurological states and patterns in the brain that are associated with the act of ‘recognition’.  Ie: When we present a stimuli to a participant – we can use EEG to read – completely bypassing the participants intent and consciousness – whether […]

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