The Blog

Data porn and ‘Interrogating the Algorithm’ pt I

Ok – So howabout a bit of Data Porn? So firstly, OkCupid is a big dating site that are known for doing really interesting things with their data.  And stats nerds like me get totally excited when presented with a huge body of data on which one can run really interesting regression models where a […]

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Bondi Junction interchange, emergent behaviour and escalators

Haha!  This is terrific.  A nice clear explanation of a phenomenon I have been observing and thinking about for a while – saves me having to write it all up.  So I’m living in the Eastern suburbs right now, which means I frequently travel through Bondi Junction transport hub using public transport on my way […]

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Links. And lots of ’em.

This is just a quick, cheaty little post.  Stumbled across a good little list of resources, blogs and the like, all to do with UX. It’s from a blogpost by U1 – an interesting UX firm here in Sydney. Link here.

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Two cases of Interface fail: Hotmail font meltdown and Gmail vs the Gestaltists.

Ok, let’s look at a real life example of total GUI design fail.  Or perhaps, not a total fail, but just bad design that manages to get by because it’s not catastrophic and therefore doesn’t get fixed but instead slows everybody down just a little – which is arguably worse. I use a Hotmail email […]

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Genevieve Bell, Empiricism and a crisis of faith

[youtube] I had my mind blown and some assumptions challenged recently when I attended a seminar by Genevieve Bell as part of the ISEA symposium in Sydney last week.  She was terrific – both an incredibly polished presenter, and obviously playing with some really interesting ideas (as well as being both funny and quite […]

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A lecture on Improvisation – Distributed Cognition, Swarm Intelligence, Physics, Punk and Zen

And I may as well complete the set by posting the powerpoint of the last of the lectures I  recently delivered at UTS.  It’s on the subject of Improvisation in Audio Culture but covers such theoretical frameworks as Systems Theory, Distributed Cognition and Swarm Intelligence as well as things like emergent and non-linear behaviour before […]

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Augmented Reality pushback

Just some quick report back from the Augmented Reality front lines.  The Google Glass project is still garnering lots of attention from both evangelists and cynics.  And whilst there is plenty of ‘whizz-bang’ enthusiasm of the tech sector as this article illustrates, there are also myriad concerns as to the potential for these devices to […]

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A lecture I recently gave on Dubstep

So, again, I have to apologise – this is slightly off topic in terms of interaction related stuff.  But I spent quite a bit of time working on this lecture recently and then gave it last week at the University of Technology as part of my Audio Culture subject so I though I would throw […]

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Facebook ‘edge-rank’ gossip

Just for the record, I have little interest in improving my Facebook ‘reach’.  On the other hand – I am fascinated by the mathematics used to manipulate our environment in that world.  Here are two interesting little links. This one is fascinating – it details the workings of the algorithm that determines what information comes […]

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New CV

Writing a CV is actually quite difficult and I have never really felt fully happy with mine.  Up until now that is.  I have now spent probably about a week (over the last few weeks) on this thing, including a zillion drafts, paying for a professional to looks at it (total waste of time), playing […]

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