The Blog

Massive Interactive – a new story begins…

So a new development – I’ve taken a 4 month contract at Massive Interactive.  This was an opportunity too good to pass up.   So I’m afraid I will not be doing very much work through here for the next few months.   On the other hand – if it’s either a project with a long leadtime, […]

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Book review: Clifford Nass – The man who lied to his Laptop.

Ah, this post is tinged with both pleasure and sadness.  I had originally intended this to be a book review of Clifford Nass’s ‘The Man who lied to his Laptop’.  I am a huge fan of this book.  It has done more to change the way I think about how we develop and interact with […]

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And… My paper is now available. Awesome!

So back in the Summer of 2011/2012 I carried out a research project into Cognitive Load measurement at NICTA (the Australian Centre for ICT research excellence) a truly amazing place.   I wrote about the project in some detail in a previous post here.  The result was a paper that was presented at INTERACT 2013, and […]

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Control your Facebook feed and some iOS7 sniping

Two super quick things today (while I’m drowning in post-election data analysis for the Greens – biiiiiiig data sets – fun!). Firstly a great post from an ex-colleague of mine, Stuart Buchanan (we both worked at FBi 94.5 when it first went to air) about how to control your facebook feed and see MOAHR than […]

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Some UX insights and deliverables from my last project

So, again, now that this latest research project is finished, I thought I would share one or two of the deliverables here. Above is a graphic depicting the major interactions between stakeholders of the product.  Audio professionals and their clients – and where the value of the product will lie.  This analysis enabled us to […]

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Musicians, Social Media and STATISTICS!

I’m just about to finish the report for this batch of UX testing I’ve been doing and thought I would share a super quick screen capture of something that made me squeal with excitement.  Despite the tiny sample size (8 participants) we ALMOST achieved a statistically significant result in the correlation between self-ratings of professionalism […]

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Some great ethnographic texts.

So I’ve been running a bunch of research sessions this week, which have been going quite well, but I’m also getting stuck into the literature of ethnographic practices.  As these two books have been occupying much of my headspace. One is this, Ethnography for Marketers by Hy Mariampolski.  It came highly recommended by Erietta Sapounakis […]

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UX testing sessions

I’m putting some participants through some preliminary UX testing for a web-product in development at the moment.  And already some superbly valuable insights are coming out – it’s great when clients really appreciate the ‘test early – test often’ approach.

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Grumpy Greens Cat

We have an election looming here in Australia and my allegiences are decidedly green.  As a result (and I claim full responsibility for this abomination)… Feel free to download (click on it for a larger version), share, mutilate, sue me, etc… I am going stright to hell for this. Update: Here’s a version with even […]

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Crazy audio controller, haptic feedback and power stations

[youtube=] Just a quick one today – check out this AWESOME new audio controller.  Stay with it – at first I thought this was the silliest thing in the world – a box of buttons you can wave around on stage – until I realised that: ‘No – waving it around is actually the POINT […]

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