The Blog / guiheadz

The Politics of Design

So things have been busy here recently, hence the dearth of new posts.  The business is starting to take off, I’ve had some fascinating work and some of that is both return and on-going work – applying Psych principles to the User Experience, as well as more straight UX work.  So this post is going […]

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Pareidolia: The face on Mars and building narrative

Seeing patterns where there aren’t any.  This is something we do all the time and is referred to as Pareidolia.  And when I say all the time – I mean ALL the time.  As in – the primary function of that lump of grey matter between our ears is to extract patterns from noise.  Our […]

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Functional fixedness… and Zen

  So much of what is talked about in HCD/UCD and Design Thinking is overcoming what in Psych terms is referred to as ‘functional fixedness’.  Ie: ‘knowing things’ about a subject.  This is reflected in assumptions – which need to be constantly re-examined to see if they are still relevant/valid.  And it is reflected in […]

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Consider the workspace

So I’ve enrolled in a five week on-line course called ‘Design Thinking’ – run by Stanford University.  I’ve just submitted my assignments for the 2nd week and thought I’d share some of that here.  Specifically this week they have asked us to get all self-reflective about our Mindset, Process and Workspace.  It’s this last one […]

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Chomsky vs Žižek. Empiricism vs Philosophy/Theorists. Get the popcorn.

Oh this is just superb.  I am totally chuffed today because (thanks to Katie Hepworth) I have stumbled across a rich vein of both name-calling and insight in the great debate about the value of empiricism vs ‘theory’ or philosophy.  And, gloriously, taken up by two giants of their respective fields:  Noam Chomsky and Slavoj […]

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Console interface design and… does that thing fly the Enterprise?

So, in answer to your question: yes that is a real thing.  I helped design it.    It’s manufactured here in Australia and called the ‘Smart Console’.  No it does not fly the Enterprise – although we used to joke about how it felt like you were ‘flying through your mix’.  Below is a little […]

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A critique of Galloway’s Protocol: ‘Interrogating the Algorithm pt II’

So, the following will not be for everyone.  It is in fact, at times, a bit shouty.  But some of this really got my goat.  The idea that technology is not value-neutral and that it manifests cultural assumptions and reflects and sometimes enforces existing power structures is an important one.  In light of our increasingly […]

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A journal for Brain-Computer interfaces

Another quick one today. Ever since my research project at NICTA (that will be published as part of INTERACT 2013) where I was involved in assessing ‘brain-computer interfaces’ (EEG based systems) I have been fascinated by the potential for these things.  So it’s terrific to see a new journal being launched that will focus specifically […]

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Computers learn the most important lesson of all. And then team up to wipe out humans…

Just a quick one today. ‘In-game’ AI’s have come a long way since the ‘uniform blocks of baddies twitching back and forth’ of space Invaders.  Some of the more sophisticated ‘bots’ now use basic weak-AI principles to allow them to learn from player behaviour – resulting in them becoming continually more efficient at killing the […]

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Data porn and ‘Interrogating the Algorithm’ pt I

Ok – So howabout a bit of Data Porn? So firstly, OkCupid is a big dating site that are known for doing really interesting things with their data.  And stats nerds like me get totally excited when presented with a huge body of data on which one can run really interesting regression models where a […]

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