Massive Interactive – a new story begins…
So a new development – I’ve taken a 4 month contract at Massive Interactive. This was an opportunity too good to pass up. So I’m afraid I will not be doing very much work through here for the next few months. On the other hand – if it’s either a project with a long leadtime, or something quick like an academic review – drop me a line.
In the meantime I’m totally excited to be working for Massive – they totally dominate the VOD interaction space and have a serious pedigree of amazing work. I’m working with some very exciting people.
My posting to this blog will probably become a little less frequent for a while now, and I apologise for this. I will however continue to post interesting offerings from the edges of UX and Interaction research – but probably in less detail. More of a reddit than a boingboing. So keep checking in every now and again!
And now…
A new adventure begins.